
  • 公开方式:主动公开
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  • 发布日期:2023-06-23
  • 发文字号:
  • 索引号:C001-1061-2023-0003




为贯彻落实《立博平台,立博官网:鼓励外商投资的实施意见(试行)》,强化对外商投资企业的全流程服务,提升外商投资便利化水平, 营造公平、稳定、高效、便捷的投资环境,制定本实施方案。


区贸易促进部(招才引智部)成立服务专班,提供“一对一”“保姆式”服务,确保政策落实到位。大力弘扬“店小二”精神,定期举办外资企业服务日、政策宣讲会等活动。建立健全跟踪服务机制,为重点外资企业提供“一对一”或“多对一”跟踪服务,协调解决外商投资企业在项目落地、生产经营过程中遇到的困难和问题, 建立重点外资企业台账,定期向区服务外资企业专班工作领导小组反馈情况问题,提出措施和建议。


建立由副县级领导挂帅,区服务外资企业专班工作领导小组成员组成的外商投资企业服务“直通车”机制。对已签约的外资项目建立工作台账,组建工作专班,加强跟踪督导,认真落实 “一个重点项目、一名分包领导、一套工作班子、一个工作方案、坚持一抓到底”的“五个一”工作机制,加大协调力度,开辟绿色通道,提高工作效率,对重大外资项目面临的主要困难和外资企业普遍反映的突出问题快速反应,及时协调解决,促进已签约项目早开工、早建设、早投产、早见效。



外商投资企业或其投资者认为行政机关(包括法律、法规授权的具有管理公共事务职能的组织) 及其工作人员的行政行为侵犯其合法权益的,可向区贸易促进部(招才引智部)投诉举报。投诉电话:0379-64902742,受理邮箱:gxwzwmc@126.com。







Implementation Plan for Promoting Foreign Investment


This implementation plan is formulated in order to carry out the Implementation Opinions on Encouraging Foreign Investment (for trial implementation), strengthen the whole process services for foreign-invested enterprises, improve foreign investment facilitation, and establish a fair, stable, efficient and convenient investment environment.

First, establish and improve the foreign investment enterprise service officer mechanism.

The Trade Promotion Department (investment and intelligence promotion) has set up special service team to provide one-to-one and nanny type services to ensure the policy ground. Vigorously promote the service officer spirit, and regularly hold foreign-funded enterprise service days, policy information and other activities. Establish and improve the follow-up service mechanism, provide one to one or many to one follow-up service for key foreign-funded enterprises, coordinate to solve the difficulties and problems encountered by foreign-invested enterprises in the project landing, production and operation process. Establish the account of key foreign-funded enterprises, regularly feedback the situation and problems to the leading group of special service team, and put forward measures and suggestions.

Second, establish a through train mechanism for foreign-invested enterprises.

Establish a through train mechanism for foreign-invested enterprise service, which is headed by the deputy county leader and composed of members of the special service team. Set up a working account for the contracted foreign-funded projects, set up special work teams, strengthen follow-up supervision, earnestly implement the five ones working mechanism of one key project, one subcontracted leader, one work team, one work plan, and adhere to the end. Increase coordination efforts, open up green channels, and improve work efficiency. We will respond quickly to the major difficulties faced by major foreign-funded projects and the prominent problems generally reported by foreign-funded enterprises, and solve them timely, so as to promote the early start, early construction, early production and early results of contracted projects.

Third, establish and improve the foreign investment complaints coordination mechanism.

ThTrade Promotion Department shall establish and improve the complaint coordination mechanism of foreign-invested enterprises, designate special personnel to accept the complaints of enterprises in the zone, publicize the complaint rules and processing time limit, and strive to let the enterprises invest and operate with confidence. The Trade Promotion Department (investment and intelligence promotion) shall be responsible for regularly carrying out the inspection of the complaints of foreign-invested enterprises, timely reporting the inspection results to the leading group of the special service team, and informing it within a certain range.

If an enterprise with foreign investment or its investors consider that the administrative acts of the administrative organs (including the organizations authorized by laws and regulations to have the function of managing public affairs) and their staff infringe upon their legitimate rights and interests, they may file a complaint and report to the Trade Promotion Department (investment and intelligence promotion). Complaint phone: 0379-64902742, E-mail: gxwzwmc@126.com.

Fourth, effectively protect the rights and interests of foreign-invested enterprises.

We will comprehensively implement the negative list for foreign investment access, achieve consistent market access standards for domestic and foreign investment, steadily advance the reform of the foreign investment management system, implement the foreign investment information reporting system, and organize special inspections on whether foreign-invested enterprises enjoy fair treatment in government procurement, capital subsidies, and qualification licenses. Deepen the reform of streamline administration and delegate power, improve regulation, and upgrade services, continue to promote the reform of get done in one place and without the need for a second trip, explore new paths for more convenient and efficient project commencement, and promote the rapid landing of foreign-funded projects.

Fifth, establish and improve the exchange and cooperation mechanism of foreign-invested enterprises

The Trade Promotion Department (investment and intelligence promotion) should strengthen the spirit of openness and service awareness, jointly organize foreign-invested enterprises to participate in various international and domestic exchange and cooperation activities, provide information services and build platforms for enterprises to connect with the market and customers customers, carry out project investment cooperation, and support the development and growth of foreign-invested enterprises.

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